Monday, September 12, 2011

Announcing the Inevitable

Yes, it's true.

No, not that. Definitely not pregnant.

Exactly one week from today, my internal clock will strike and I will celebrate 39 years of living.  September 19, 2011 will mark the beginning of my journey to the Big 4-0!  I have created this blog for some fun and creative ways to ensure the transition from thirty-something to forty and beyond goes smoothly.

I have heard that life begins at 40, so I am anticipating the adventure and preparing to celebrate! And I'm a writer, so I thought I'd write about it (I'm also a Sanguine personality so if it becomes boring, routine and less exciting, I may delete it).

My plan for this blog is to offer humor (in good taste, of course), insights and tips on aging gracefully, inspiration and anything else that develops or is needed along the way (like, um... prayer support...). 

I look forward to sharing events along my journey, such as my 20th high school reunion coming up THIS Saturday! and my quest to better health and fitness including training for my first 5K (don't get too impressed, I'm only on day two and it already hurts).

My first "official" post will be on my actual birthday, September 19, but feel free to sign up now to join the party! You can join with google connect on the sidebar as a follower or choose to receive updates via email by putting your address in the subscription box.

Until then, I leave you with this piece of super random anti-aging, not-sure-if-it-works-yet, don't-use-if-you're-allergic, found-it-on-the-Internet... suggestion:

I love to eat avocado but have never thought of smearing it on my face.  Sounds like something a toddler would do, but according to an article on this Natural Care Guide you should apply the pulp or slices of avocado to your face for a fresh young look.  Try it for yourself or find out if it worked for me on September 19th. :)

Let the countdown begin...


  1. I just celebrated 39 years last Wednesday...counting down with you! PS. I am obsessed with avocados!

  2. Thanks, Melanie! I needed a lighter, fun place to post. Feel free to join in the convo :) And Eileen...happy late birthday! Yay! We get to share our adventure together...hope you'll come back with some suggestions or ideas :)

  3. Do you have to use it more than once? It may be hard to not eat it if I have to apply it twice or more.

  4. made me laugh as ususal! I'm thinking we could compromise...put half on our face and the other half in our mouth...with crockpot enchiladas, of course :)

  5. Ok, this is becoming an epidemic! I am turning 4-0 in 27 days. So, I will commiserate, I mean celebrate with you! don't be surprised if parts of your body that you didn't know you had start hurting, your eyesight goes bad overnight and you have this hankering to pull out a boombox and listen to rap music.

    :) I am on board, girl!

  6. Happy early b-day, kelli!! And welcome to the journey...I'm pulling out the boombox in your honor...maybe even a little breakdancing or moonwalking haha :)
